Amylovie's Nuttin' but Knittin'
I thought this would be a neat way to keep track of my knitting conquest and failures. I may also post a few thoughts I have. Who knows!
About Me
- Name: amylovie
- Location: Katy, Texas, United States
I am a yarn store owner who detests dowdy knits. Knitting can be fashionable, darn it! You can look good in the things that you wear. I'll prove it to you.

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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Beautiful girls, and tanks!
Oh my goodness, so cute! I am jealous of the weather you must be having to allow them to wear those. There has been slush falling from the sky for about 16 hours here in Rhode Island. Sigh.... That picture makes me very eager for summer.
I think they're really cute. Have you seen Amy Boogie's kidlet tank pattern? If not, go here:
Very cute, very easy - no charts! The Miss Bea's series is also cute. Froggy makes a lot of those patterns for her little girl.
those are fabulous! And what good little models. :) Seriously, you should be proud!
the tops look great! I love the colors - they suit the girls well. hmmm... may have to hunt that pattern down and make one for my niece(s)
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