Catching up

I planned to post this before I left for TNNA, so all of this is old news. Old news, but good news definitely worthy of a post.
At the beginning of January, I got to meet one of my blog friends in the flesh. Stephanie at Knit and Scrap met me for coffee at my neighborhood coffee shop. She was such a delight. I love how so often with knitters you have an instant connection and rapport. Thank you Stephanie for coming to see me, and I look forward to seeing you again when Yarntopia opens.
I brazenly signed up for a crochet class at TNNA not knowing how to crochet. My sweet friend Sheryl graciously offered to teach me in crash course fashion. I learned at least enough so that I didn't look like a complete idiot. Crochet is going to supposedly be "the next big thing" in the fiber world. I'm looking forward with eager anticipation to Debbie Stoller's new crochet book. My current opinion of crochet is this: it is fun to do, it certainly has appropriate applications, but I like the look and the process of knitting better.
My sweet gadget guru brother gave me his old MP3 player. I've had a ball downloading and listening to all of the knitting podcasts. And because I am so inundated with knitting at the moment, I've taken a break from the podcasts by checking out books on CD from the library and downloading them into my player. Reading is one of my favorite past-times, so now I can semi-read and knit at the same time. I'm a happy gal.
I have a little favor to ask of y'all. I would really be jazzed if y'all would sign in on my Frapper site (see sidebar on the left).
Finally, and most importantly, my daughter has her first FO! Her interest in the scarf ebbed and waned (like most of us with our UFO's), but she perservered. The colorful things on her scarf are buttons we used to fix some of her "design features". I am so proud of my little knitting savant!
Question answering:
Bethal - I got the 17" circs at Yarns to Ewe in the Heights
Rayne - The ribbon is I believe 16MM.
crochet--eh. It's handy to know for finishing knitted things, but (like you) I don't like crocheted things. Plus, crocheting uses up a lot more yarn. That's money that could be spent on other yarn for a different project.
I don't care how much of a 'big thing' it gets to be - I ain't crocheting anything more than an edging (and that's only if I can't get away with not doing it).
Try for books on mp3 if there's a book you want and your library doesn't stock it. I have a membership there so if there is a book you like let me know - I get 30% off ;o)
Oh - and I love your daughter's scarf (and her tutu)!! (sorry I forgot to put that in my first comment...)
Please tell her she did an awesome job on her scarf... it's beautiful!
your girls are so beautiful...and now we've got a new knitter joining the ranks! AWESOME! congratulations to her on her first FO!
you've been up to a lot! wow! i have to go turn in my ipod to get the battery replaced so i can get in on those podcast thingies.
how exciting that you're going to pick up crochet! i started out with crochet and it's a great craft to know. i'm starting to pick it up again because i found some really cute japanese craft books (not the amigurumi crochet animal book, but something else). and seriously, i know the debbie stoller crochet book doesn't come out until februar, but i keep checking the book store JUST IN CASE.
how is Yarntopia going? SO excited for you. SO SO SO EXCITED!!! if i lived in texas, i would seriously visit your store every day :)
I agree with you on crochet, except that there are a few things I like in that format. Afghans, baskets, other things where a little structure isn't a bad thing. Knit garments just feel much better to me.
yea, i get the sense that crochet is supposed to be the "next" thing. although for some reason, it hasn't really stuck to me like knitting has (crochet will never take the place of knitting as far as i'm concerned!!). but i'm still intrigued by granny squares. =)
and your daughter's scarf - lovely!! and she's such a cutie in her tutu!
Congrats to your daughter on her first FO! That's such a fabulous accomplishment.
I'm with you on crochet. It's fast, which is nice, but the finished objects don't have the same sophistication or refinement that knitting has. At least, not so far as I've seen.
You must be so proud! The scarf looks great, and adding buttons in strategic locations is a stroke of genius. I must remember that for the knitting projects I force on my children.
What a lovely first FO! She looks so proud.
That's so wonderful that you got to meet Stephanie. I love when people get to meet their blog friends! And thanks for the fantastic idea about checking out books on tape from the library! We go there all the time, but I never thought to download audiobooks to my mp3. I didn't think it was possible, but knitting may have just gotten even better, thanks to you! ;-) And most of all, congratulations to your beautiful little girl...what an amazing accomplishment!! Her scarf is so beautiful and precious and she's definitely got her mama's talent. Take care, Amy! :-)
I like crochet for afghans and shawls mostly. Clothes (including mittens, hats, etc.) and such I prefer knitting.
Your daughter's scar looks fabulous! She did a great job and looks so proud :o) Hope she will keep knitting!
Aww, your daughter is so beautiful and she did an amazing job on the scarf! I hope Claire will knit with me one day.
I'm not a big fan of crocheting, I had to do a little crochet in my most recent project and I was grumbling about it the whole time.
And podcasts are really fun! I would also enjoy listening to some audio books, to drown out the screaming kids....
i love how she is posing:) very cute! glad you got to meet another knitter! i am sure with the opening of the store there will be many readers coming out of the woodwork!
Wow, what a great FO! Your grandmother is very proud. Grandpa saw your picture too. He thought it looked terrific.
I bet she is so proud! I bet she never takes that thing off! :) Pardon me, but if Crochet is the "next" thing....well I'm just going to be out of fashion with my knitting. :)
Tell her that Scout says she ROCKS!
Your daughter's scarf rocks! I can't wait 'till Sydney's old enough to learn to knit. I'll have to check out those books on CD, now that my husband has his own iPod and is no longer hoarding mine - right now I watch tv while knitting and I'm sure it's rotting my brain to a mushy pulp!
Hey Amy, thanks for the comment!!!:0
nice scarf, I try to crochet every once-in-awhile...I really like the Picot edges on sweaters.
I love, love, love to crochet. Not as much as I love, love, love, love to knit - but...
I still believe there's a time and place for each of the two fiber arts.
For those of you who DO crochet, Vickie Howell is taking submissions for a new crochet book.
My goodness! That is just too great! Decorative buttons on a scarf is a really cute idea! That is a wonderful 1stFO!
omg, i TOTALLY hear you on getting jazzed about colors and textures. the colors just about do me in, and i think that's what makes rowan so attractive to me--i just LOVE their deep, almost jewel-like colors of yarn.
i can appreciate product knitters like you because i feel inspired to finish more of my projects (instead of casting on like a maniac, hehe). i can fawn over the things you make and appreciate your efforts because that's kind of what makes knitting special--you GET IT. :)
thanks for the post. i love when people share things like that, especially since knitting has something for everyone; i like seeing how people are different and the same because of a similar interest.
take care & i hope everything's going well over at yarntopia! that is SO EXCITING! i'm always so happy for you when i think about it. :)
Hey Amy, Just wanted to ask a quick question....are you going to have lorna's laces Lion and Lamb at the shop? Ever since we were talking about Sheryl making a clapotis and about yours :) I'm dying to make one now and I was thinking about Lorna's laces...but before I commit I have to fondle it. :) Do you know of some good alternate yarns too? Thanks!!!!!
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Thank you thank you as always, so supportive! I also wanted to show you this:
Your daughters remind me of my little sister SO much! My mom is from Houston...maybe we're long lost cousins =D
Congrats to your daughter's first FO! She's on her way to be being a fabulous knitter (apparently it's in her genes)!
I agree that crochet is fun, but I prefer the look of a knitted project.
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