Amylovie's Nuttin' but Knittin'
I thought this would be a neat way to keep track of my knitting conquest and failures. I may also post a few thoughts I have. Who knows!
About Me
- Name: amylovie
- Location: Katy, Texas, United States
I am a yarn store owner who detests dowdy knits. Knitting can be fashionable, darn it! You can look good in the things that you wear. I'll prove it to you.

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- Catcha Wave & Your Sittin' on Top of the World
- Shark!
- DD #1 and Hubby in the surf
- DD #2 and her sandcastle
- Tall & tan & young & lovely.....
- Beach tootsies
- Cabana Boy Kevin
- Two down, one to go....
- Branching Out
- One down, two to go
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Saturday, July 09, 2005
Oh man. I so wish that was what I was doing right now. Looks like a wonderful vacation!
Looking good! But if I was there I'd be making a sandcastle with your daughter!
Very chic sweetie pie! Your girls are soooo adorable. Glad to see that fun was had by all.
Hang in there with the socks. The first (and only so far) thing I've knitted for my DH is a pair of socks and his liked them alot! It was nice to finally make something for him, y'know?
glad you had a good time:) see you thursday! happy to hear about you SP being safe...
Well aren't you just adorable in your hat and retro suit!
now then
if we can go nekkid in the uk, there really is NO excuse for you....... ;)
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