I've been knitting, just not posting
Here is the evidence:

Pattern: Footies for the Family from Lisa Knits
Yarn: I'm not sure. It was a gift from my blog friend Stacy. She thought they would make cute socks for the girls. Thanks Stacy!
Comments: I'm over socks for a while. As I finished up making the pair on the right, I knew that I couldn't bear to knit the second pair. My good friend and new Yarntopia employee Patti took pitty on me, and knit the second pair. I am in your debt Patti.
I think I'm more of a garment knitter. I don't enjoy the process of knitting socks. Maybe I'll change my mind one day. I won't be getting rid of my sock yarn stash just yet.

Yarn: Rowan Cotton Tape in #544 (discontinued yarn)
Comments: I had to have a beret for the big trip to France. Hello! Also, please direct your attention to the crocheted edge of the beret. Yes my friends. I'm crocheting now, thanks to my good friend and business partner Sheryl. More on that in my next post.
I've gotten two more FO's completed, but I will save those for the next post. Blogger doesn't like too many pictures.