I've got friends in high places
Earlier this summer, I was chatting with Rob from Threadbear. I told him how much I loved the Glenwood colorway from Lorna's Laces. They didn't have any in stock, but he said he would keep his eye out for some. As I said, this was several months ago and I had completely forgotten about it. Well, look what shows up in my mailbox last week. Lorna's Laces Lion & Lamb in Glenwood. Behold her in all of her glory. Thanks Rob! The scary thing is I now have 12 skeins of L&L. I'm going to have to put it in the safety deposit box!

If you need safekeeping for that, send it my way. I'll keep a careful eye on it for you. ;-)
That is some luscious yarn! How nice of him to remember and do that for you!
okay thats my second fav colorway and i am absolutely jealous!!!!! how yummy is that!!!!
How do I make friends like that?
That is such a pretty colorway. I love L&L. I finally got to touch it & can see why you like it so much. Soooo soft!
That yarn is so gorgeous that I'm drooling all the way over in CA!
That is some gorgeous yarn! Don't lock it away.... we NEED to see what you make with it!
That yarn is possibly the prettiest yarn I've ever seen. I just love touching my L&L...still trying to work up the nerve to knit with it. I'm scared I'm going to mess it up! It's destined to be a clapotis though.
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