Hourglass progress, Loop-d-Loop, & more yarn (gasp!)
I've made it through the body and am almost finished with the first sleeve of my Hourglass sweater from Last-Minute Knitted Gifts. The body of the sweater was a breeze, but I find the 12" needles used on the sleeves difficult to work with. They make my wrists hurt
I just brought home a copy of Teva Duram's Loop-d-Loop from my library. There are several patterns in there that I like, so I have to purchase the book eventually. Here are a few of note:

Who wouldn't love a paper chain scarf. Another scarf that I love is...
this little lovely. I love the unusual construction. And finally, because y'all know I am a fan of Fair Isle, there are these for your viewing pleasure...
I just can't resist mother/daughter outfits. I need to make stuff like this while they will still wear it and not be repulsed by the idea. The second Fair Isle has such beautiful shape. I think it would be very flattering and fun to knit.
I also mentioned in the title that I bought more yarn. Scary, I know. My girls really liked this Berroco pattern, so who was I to say no.
My sweet mother took pity on me, and will be making one of the skirts so the girls will be able to wear them as soon as possible. And finally, (I swear this is the last picture) I bought the yarn and the pattern to make this for my sweet babies...
yeah, you go amy show that HG sweater who's boss:) that book is wonderful! love those ponchos.. see you saturday morning!
I love the Loop d Loop book as well. There's one sweater in there that I'm definitely making. I love the sweaters on page 88, 102, 112, and 84. I also love 148 but have never tried fair isle so, not sure about that one.
Yo go GIRL!!!! I can't wait to see all the finished products. I understand about buying more yarn. You don't even want to KNOW how much I bought this weekend while in Toronto. SCARY!!!
Can't wait to see your Hourglass sweater! I just may have to check out that book at the library as well. Maybe when I return the books I have tonight. :)
I am so looking forward to seeing your Hourglass Sweater. I'm sure it's going to look great on you. As for your hands hurting from the 12" circs, I have 2 words for you "Magic Loop". :)
FiFi is really cute. Your daughters are going to look adorable in it! The Loop-D-Loop book looks interesting, but probably not enough to buy it... although I think the 2nd picture you posted (woven looking one) is interesting.
I'm going to put Loop-de-Loop on my amazon wishlist - You've inspired me! That skirt pattern is supercute too!
Take care Ali x
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