Feast your eyes on what showed up at my house this past Friday. This is our Rowan, Nashua, Bryson, and book order. I couldn't even get all of the boxes in the picture because they go around the corner! It took me from about noon until 9:30 pm to inventory it all. That is even with my sweet friend Jennifer coming over to help for several hours.

One of the things we are doing for the shop is knitting swatches of all of our yarn. I think it will give our customers a better idea of what things look like knit up. They can also sit down and knit a little with the ball that we used for the swatch. Looks like I had better get busy. This picture was taken after I had already sent at least twelve balls of yarn home with Sheryl and Jennifer.

My good friend
Catherine is hosting a needle exchange. This is a fun, quick, and less expensive alternative to doing the Secret Pal. Just one package required. Who doesn't love to get stuff in the mail?
1. What do you like to knit or crochet? (socks, sweaters, etc.)
I'm mainly a knitter, and have just picked up a little crochet. I enjoy knitting everything, except maybe afghans.2. What fibers do you like?
Natural3. What type of needles do you use most often?
Addis, Lantern Moons4. Do you like to knit in the round?
Yes5. Do you use a magic loop method or any other we should know about? Are you interested in learning a new method?
I'm interested in trying the Magic Loop method.
6. Do you have a favorite place that you shop online? (knitpicks.com, knitpixie.com, jimmybeanswool.com....)?
I own my own yarn shop, so that would be traitorous!7. Do you want to be surprised? Then erase all your answers above and write surprise me!!!
A girl always loves surprises.