Amylovie's Nuttin' but Knittin'
I thought this would be a neat way to keep track of my knitting conquest and failures. I may also post a few thoughts I have. Who knows!
About Me
- Name: amylovie
- Location: Katy, Texas, United States
I am a yarn store owner who detests dowdy knits. Knitting can be fashionable, darn it! You can look good in the things that you wear. I'll prove it to you.

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006
You're welcome. Loved every minute of it.
Wow--you have a big light-up sign! Congrats!!
Hey! I was there!
congrats again.
Congratulations!!!! You guys should be so proud. This a major endeavor and I know you worked so hard on it. Awesome work!!!
Pop the cork on the champagne! Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! It looks absolutely phenomenal -- I am not kidding. What a beautiful store. I WILL make a pilgrimage at some point.
Yay! I'm so happy for both of you. The store looks awesome!
First you were a friend, then an enabler, now a seller! it was so much fun to go buy stuff from you! ha ha ha! love the fleece artist!
Fabulous! I'm so happy for you guys!
Congrats! I was starting to wonder how things were going. I'm glad the store is finally open.
The sign looks great! I am so proud of y'all.
I'm so happy for you!! I saw the sign and my heart went all pitter-pat ;o)
*doing the happy dance*
Yipppeeee Congratulations!! The sign is beautiful... I wish I had been there to help (I am all for being used as a free help :) ). Please, if you still need help with the swatches, let me know.
Congratulations again!!
Wow, I am so excited for you! You must be so happy. I really wished I lived closer, but believe me if I'm ever in the area I will definitely be stopping at Yarntopia!
OMG!!!!!! Yeah for you two!!! OK, so when is the online store going to be ready? What does the yarntopia colorway for the Fleece Artist sock yarn look like? Can you post pix? Do you still have any left? How can I buy when I am here in OH?
I need answers, woman! Answers! and an online store! and pix! and a plane ticket to go visit! and to shop (of course)! and yarntopia sock yarn!
ooh, BTW, I am knitting my Lorna's laces Sassy Stripes that you gifted for my 40th into socks right now. I have been thinking of you with each stitch and sending you many telepathic hugs, good wishes and good 'juju'!
I am so happy and proud of you two!
wow, congrats to you both!!!
How exciting to see it all come together =) - congratultions!
This made me so happy to see!!! Congratulations! WHOO HOOOOOO!!!
Now come over to my blog and check out the yummy Koigu p*rn I've posted! lol
Congrats on the new store opening! I'm sure you guys will do wonderfully with it! Just wish you were a lot closer to me lol!
Congratulations Amy, and best of luck to you! I can't wait to stop in and increase my stash!
Congratulations to you both and to everyone who helped!
The shop looks fantastic!
Here's to dreams (yarn and others) coming true! Congratulations, Amy & Sheryl.
CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to see it this weekend! By the way, the new episode of Pointy Sticks is finally up - with your interview! Thank you *so* much for doing that!
(If anyone wants to hear Amy, you can check it out at
I can't wait to play Hooky one day and come and see you. CAN'T WAIT!!
Yea, yea, yea!!! I'm so tickled! I also left a note over at the Yarntopia blog and Sheryl's, I'm just so excited! I'm also joining the Sock Posse, so I can feel like I'm really a part of it all!
Have fun, fun, fun - I WILL get there someday!
WOW! When I return to Spring, I'll visit your store. In the meantime, do you ship to South Korea?
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited and happy for both of you!! Yarntopia looks AMAZING! I just clicked on the Yarntopia link and the shop looks incredible!! I love the way you organized the yarn- so pretty and the atmosphere looks so inviting and cozy. I wish I lived closer so I could visit!! If I ever make it out to Texas, Yarntopia is definitely first on my must-visit list. Congratulations, again to both of you- I couldn't be happier to see your dreams come true! Take care, Amy! :-)
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