Kelly & Sahara

Yarn: Louisa Harding Kashmir DK #07 - tiny bit over 10 balls, Louisa Harding Shingle #02 - 2 balls
Needles: #7 24" & 16" circs, #5 32" & 16" circs
Comments: This would make a wonderful first sweater. The pattern is well written and simple due to the fact that there is so seaming.
The Louisa Harding Kashmir, as some of y'all know, is my absolute favorite yarn to knit with. It is so squishy and soft. It has a good deal of stretch to it, so it worked well with the form fitting garment.
I was off on my gauge (too small) so I went up a needle size and also went up a size.

Pattern: Kelly by Lois Daykin from Rowan Beach Cool
Yarn: Rowan Linen Print #349-6 balls, Nashua Cilantro #12-1 ball
Comments: I knit this back in February, but just never blogged about it. I added a good bit of length to the pattern, therefor I ran out of Linen Print before finishing the edging. The Cilantro worked out well for that. Thanks to Sheryl for doing my crochet trim!!