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- Name: amylovie
- Location: Katy, Texas, United States
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
That is hilarious!!
Yeah, Mushmouth!! So funny.
heybah! yeahbah theybah lookbah justah likebah mebah ;o)
goodness, that was a good laugh. as i was scrolling down, i thought, what a cute flower! and then whoa... what kind of hat is that??? it DOES look like mushmouth! =)
I think you overdid it on the hat ;) Lol, the poor love. Love the flower.
Dad and I laughed and laughed. So funny! And I even got the Hey-hey-hey reference before I read the post.
the bag is HUGE! the flower is HUGE!
I can't wait to see the finished product.
Wow, I hope that puppy really felts or your kids are going to have to go as fat albert for halloween ;)
That is going to be one big honkin bag! Perfect for storing small children, apparently :)
that fat albert kid, thats exactly what i thought! =O!
Hilarious pictures and great reference! I can't wait to see what it is supposed to look like :)
I love it! Those Noni bag flowers are enormous -- I ended up making the small version with just one strand of yarn so they wouldn't completely overwhelm the bag. Looking forward to seeing the felted final product!
That is too funny! I can't wait to see how much it shrinks.
Cool, like seamonkeys in reverse.
How's the new nails? Have you broke any yet??
The girls are 2 cute.
I love it! I too made a Noni bag and flower and was amazed at how HUGE and thick they were pre-felting. I really enjoy her patterns and I can't wait to see yours felted.
Oh man, those pictures are just too much. I hope your daughter didn't take it personally that you said you wanted to take her picture...and then put a giant wool bag over her head (and most of her torso)!
Those pics are HILARIOUS! And that bag looks vaguely familiar ;-)
So guess what I just did! I made my hotel reservations at the Hotel Sofitel for August 25th & 26th!!! Woohoo!!! Moi! Sans enfants!!! Woohoo!
I just realized! You and Sheryl should stay at the hotel with me! How fun would THAT be??? We could get wild and... well... um... okay, so we'd get wild and knit, but still!
TOTALLY Mushmouth, you are going to have to make one with eye holes now, just to be crazy! LOL
Is that a vase bag for felted flowers then?
I totally thought of Mushmouth when I saw your daughter enveloped in all the knitted glory!
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