My Knitting Heritage

I come from a long line of knitters. This didn't dawn on me until recently. Soon after my mother saw that the knitting bug "stuck", she gave me these two sweaters. Being a new knitter, I didn't really look at them closely or appreciate them. Now that I know what it involves to create a sweater, I look at them in a totally new light.
The red sweater that my DD is wearing was knit by my mother's grandmother (my great-grandmother) for her to wear when she was a little girl. So, I'm guessing that the sweater is about 55 years old. If you were able to see it up close, you would notice that it looks like it had been knit just yesterday. The seaming is flawless. You can't see where she wove in an end. I'm telling you it is exquisite.
The blue sweater my grandmother knit for me. I would estimate its age at around 27 years old. I can remember picking out the buttons, which are porcelain with tiny yellow flowers painted on them. I think I may have picked out the colors too.

The final picture is of the baby blanket my mother knit for my daughters. It absolutely takes my breath away. She originally bought the pattern when she was pregnant, but when she found out that she was having twins (I have a twin brother) found the task too daunting.
When I told her we were trying to get pregnant, she started knitting this for me. When she heard the news that I was having twins, she kicked it into high gear. That's right people. She made TWO of these for me.
Please click on the pictures so you can see the details.
You can see the history of grandmothers making things for their granddaughters. I hope to carry on the tradition one day. I get a little choked up thinking about the amazing women looking down at me, or sitting next to me in the case of my mother, all united in our love of knitting.