Amylovie's Nuttin' but Knittin'
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- Name: amylovie
- Location: Katy, Texas, United States
I am a yarn store owner who detests dowdy knits. Knitting can be fashionable, darn it! You can look good in the things that you wear. I'll prove it to you.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Aw! All grown up. So cute.
I love little twins! They're so precious :)
Aaah, you should be proud of YOU as well for raising such fine and well adjusted girls. I'm glad they have eachother and that you have yarntopia. Hopefully you will be busy enough to not cry . . . . too much. ;-}
I guess I am totally crazy, b/c I didn't realize they were twins! haha What sweet pictures! awww
My dd starts Kindergarten on Tuesday, I probably WILL cry though - I did with the first one. I was doing really great at first, but then they gave us a sappy poem in the 'cry room' where they had doughnuts and coffee to help us cope! haha It was sweet, but I lost it.
SO cute!
Save your crying for when they get their licenses ;o) Trust me.
Such sweet pictures. I remember those days - THESE days I am saying PLEASE go back to college!! You're killing me with your yummy yarn of the day pictures - That Rowan cotton is making me want to get in my car and come over there now. Oh Crap! I can't! The Torture! We're heading out down I-10 in a little bit - my husband wil be asking what's wrong when we pass Mason Road. I'll be whimpering like a puppy - ha ha ha
Wow, amazing how much their baby pictures look like them.
Congrats on getting them so far. They seems like wonderful girls. And they can always look out for each other even when you're not there to look out for them -- that's a nice thing about twins.
Wow, what a big day! They are so cute! I hope they love school. I'm sure they are going to do great!
I can remember many such days of passage with you and your brothers. I am so proud of the mother you have become.
look at them! how did they handle not being in the same class? i know you were worried about that once upon a time.... you and I both know how hard it is not to be right next to your twin when your first go to school.....
I love seeing photos over the years. They are so beautiful. I probably would have bawled like a baby on their first day.
What beautiful girls...a lot to be proud of!
OMG... they're adorable! And my mom sings that song ALL the time (from Fiddler and I know every single word)! Makes me cry every time I hear it! Although I'll be doing the happy "going back to school" dance on Wednesday when mine go back! I'm already counting down the hours!!! I know I know, but just wait 'till yours are teenagers. Oy!
The girls are still your babies and will be forever.
How cute! I bet they are going to love kindergarten!!
They are so beautiful. I bet they are loving kindergarten! Once the weather cools off a little, we really must get together to take photographs of them - if nothing else, so I can try my hand at photographing kids, and hopefully some of the photos will come out well! (I'm much better at photographing flowers, but I really want to improve in this area!)
Congratulations on the big milestone!
How sweet. I hope they have a great school year. Will they be in the same class?
My little lady started 8th grade this week. They grow up so fast!
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