Third Bag's a Charm

Yarn: Rowan Glimmer Print #7
Comments: The pattern called for 3 balls, but if you wanted to make the handle as long as the picture, you would have to have 4.
Yet another sample for the shop. Can you see a trend? Three purses.
When trying to decide what sample to do next, I couldn't bring myself to knit a sweater. Why you ask? Two reasons really, both I'm embarrassed to admit to. First, I'm feeling really lazy. I don't want to have to think people. Second and most importantly, I'm afraid of my customers critiquing my work. I can just hear them saying as they look at my seaming "Huh, how can she call herself a yarn store owner? Her knitting stinks!" I used to think I was a pretty decent knitter, but I'm feeling the pressure my friends.
Nothing wrong with some mindless summer kniting!!! And don't worry about anyone judging you - you're a YARN SHOP OWNER for heaven's sake - how cool is that???
OK, I am only going to say this this ONE LAST TIME - - - - - you need to STOP SELLING YOURSELF SHORT!
First off, you DO deserve to do mindless summer knitting. It isn't like you haven't just launched a new business or anything (wink).
Next, I am SURE that there wouldn't be ANYTHING to critique. You do gorgeous work and Isela is right, the customers would be too busy looking at all the amazing yarn and feeling at ease with all of Sheryl and yours hospitality to complain about anything!
I gotta go with everyone else here and say, mindless knitting is absolutely understandable. Having said that, you are a fabulous knitter! Knit and be proud!
But you are a good knitter! And fast when you have time.
Knit what you like to knit. If you like knitting purses, then purses it is!
Plus, purses are a great display project for your store. People can see that there is more to knitting that boring old sweaters. We all know that sweaters aren't always the most practical project for Houston.
As a Yarntopia shopper, I can assure you that really, we are not ready to knit sweaters right now. It is TOO HOT! (I guess you might want some later in the summer though.) I've seen your knitting in person, and *I* think it looks WONDERFUL! Look at how even your stitches are on that purse. They are perfect!
Of course, you could knit the samples but tag them with fake customer names or say that they are from the yarn companies. That way, no one will be critiquing you! Hahaha!
Not stop being so hard on yourself. YOU are a GREAT knitter!
OH! And if helps - as someone that visits the other shops in Houston - I can tell you that they generally don't have sweater samples up. One shop has many purses and bags, shawls, scarves, socks, etc. - a variety of items. Many small, beginner friendly, encouraging people to try something new. I think that works pretty well.
Oooo that's pretty.
Your knitting looks pretty damn good from here so if you fancy making a sweater - make one. When I look at samples I'm more interested in how the yarn works than noticing the quality of the knitting itself.
While I don't think you have anything to worry about, I think I would feel the same way as you about having my work critiqued by customers. If it stresses you out, let others do the sample sweater knitting -- you clearly have a knack for adorable bags, so your efforts are not at all wasted there!
Oh, Amy... One, you're an awesome knitter. Two, I'm itching to knit shop sample sweaters so you have no worries there. Three, Yarntopia is the best shop ever. Four, lots of people want small projects -- it's Houston in Summer. Only the crazy people like me are thinking about Malabrigo sweaters right now. :)
I agree with Knitting Nurse. Knock it off! ;o)
You knit beautifully and who the hell looks at seaming, anyway? If people did that all the time I'd be ostracized for my Olympic Sweater seams!
Besides, if they ask you can always tell them someone else did it ;o)
Golly, Amy, you've come so far in so short a time, how could you be insecure about your skills!? Just how long have you been knitting? Most people would not believe how short a time it has been since you TAUGHT YOURSELF to knit, for heaven's sake. But, of course, everyone is right. Small, quick knit, COOL stuff is just right for your shop for right now.
i agree with the knitting nurse! you are always making excuses for your work! it is perfect! you know when we first met i held your knitting to a standard that I wanted to meet. bet you didn't know that huh? ;)
by the way I have to make a sweater before christmas.. if you want to do a lzy KAL with me, i am up for it!
Don't worry about the knitting! I have never critiqued a sample, unless it was horrifying, but that's usually not the knitting, it's the yarn.
Also, your knits are lovely, you have nothing to worry about!
Having said that, I don't blame you for not being interested. It's the lazy days of summer. I don't even want to knit a sweater for myself, let alone someone else! =)
Are you crazy? Critiquing the keeper of the Fleece Artist? Never. :)
Does the law require a yarn store owner to be able to knit sweaters? hehehe
Seriously though, you could just take your time doing the sweater to have in the shop in the fall or winter when sweaters are usually worn. Stick to something easy peasy for awhile and slowly work at the sweater. You'll do fine with it, I have faith :o)
I love this bag and can't wait to see it in the shop! As a Yarntopia customer and one of your students, I'm in awe of your knitting talents. So stop obsessing already! };>
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