And her name is SUZMCQ! The theme of the package was CANADA, which is where this wonderful lady is from. It has been such a joy to get to know her. I know that we will definitely stay in touch. In fact, she has joined a little mini-KAL with R
achel and myself to knit the Reverse Rib Shawl.
The yarn that she sent is readily available in Canada. The lovely robin egg blue yarn (one of my favorite colors) is Lana Gatto Summer. The pink yarn (another favorite color) is El. D. Mouzakis Butterfly which is from Greece. The label is even printed in Greek. How cool is that? It also went with the Canada theme (red + white=pink).
The pewter pendant is from Fleece Artists, which is a Canadian company. The ball is filled with yummy yarn. It is such a conversation piece. I can't wait to wear it.
The little white bottle is pink martini salt scrub, which I'll be using this evening. And no Canadian package would be complete without some maple syrup.
She also sent both the girls and myself some Laura Secord chocolate. Dark

for me and white chocolate teddy bears for the DD's. My Canadian sister-in-law informed me that Laura Secord Chocolate is very popular in Canada. I can't wait to sink my teeth into it! The girls also received Canada magnets and mood bracelets, which they love.
Thank you again Suzanne! You are such a sweetheart.